How to cancel subscription payments?
Just send an email and the subscption will end. Please write in your email:
- your payment email address (paypal email address),
- your website URL, where you have used guteURLs Preview Box.
- your received token (licence key).
Send this email to
I reveived a licence key/token. What now?
Open your Wordpress Administration area.
On the left menu, you click on
URL Preview
Then you can enter the licence key.
Without Wordpress:
If you do not use the Wordpress plugin, if you use the javascript directly, then add the token to your script tag in the email attribute.
Example: <script src="https://guteurls.de/guteurls.js" email="mytoken"....>
Is it free to use?
For testing reasons it is free.
It is free, if:
- you use it on your private homepage,
- which has no commerical offers/services and advertising,
- maximum 500 request/week
- and maximum 5 boxes on your website.
Is it possible to remove the text "guteurl.de" in the widget below the image next to
"read full article her"?
Yes, it is possible for customers, who have th €7 or €19 subscription.
This must be requested per Email, then I can configure it.
I do not see the GuteUrl button when creating a new post anymore.
It works fine, but it seems to have disappeared.
Where is the button?
The new Wordpress has exchanged the editor.
The new editor works differently:
Do I need a "Private Policy" chapter / "Cookie" hint on my homepage?
Yes, we are using Cloudflare as CDN, firewall and reverse proxy for very fast speed.
Cloudflare adds a "security" cookie to every http(s) response.
With these cookies they are able to protect us from hackers and BOT-networks.
And we use Cloudflare as "Content Delivery Network" (CDN) = distributed cache.
Cloudflare, Inc., 101 Townsend St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.
Cloudflare has a Privacy-Shield certificate
if you link to a third party within the "GuteURL Preview Box" e.g. to Facebook or Twitter, then the third party (e.g. Facebook/Twitter) will deliver the image and html snippets for your website. They could set Cookies too, log your visitors and can track everything on your page.
Be aware of this and add this information to your "Private Policy" page.