Get your Licence Key

price table

Private Use

<5000 request per week
11 €/y
(= round $11 per year)

No company
No commerical website
(If you have in one week more views, then I will email you. But I will not charge you for the past! No risk for you. If you have permanent many views, you need a paid subscription.)
or credit card:


Few API requests Few URL preview boxes <5000 request per week
7 €/m
(= round $7 per month)

Incl. future updates!
If you have to many requests,
I will write you an email,
and we will find a solution.
I think, that is fair.
or credit card:


>5000 request per week (& <50.000 request per week)
19 €/m
(= round $20 per month)

Incl. future updates
or credit card:

Reasonable good reasons:

  • You do not have to spend time and money to develop your own solution.
  • You do not have to maintenance the system
  • Permanently adapting scans for new websites
  • Global CDN for direct image files

I think, this is a fair and reasonably deal for everybody.

Yearly payments possible too:


Few API requests Few URL preview boxes <7000 request per week
per year
Incl. future updates
credit card: